Asbestos assesment
An asbestos assessment in Brussels and in Wallonia is a legal obligation for all employers in order to protect their employees.
Before commencing renovation or demolition works, a destructive asbestos assessment must be carried out (specific to Bruxelles arm 10/04/08).
Asbestos inventory for normal occupancy of premises
The Welfare Code is clear: every employer must carry out an asbestos inventory in all premises used by their personnel. This assessment is non-destructive, i.e. limited to only visible and accessible areas under normal conditions of use.
Asbestos assessment prior to renovation or demolition works
If works are being carried out, the non-destructive assessment is not sufficient. The law calls for a more in-depth asbestos assessment of the walls, partition walls and floors, in order to detect potential materials which were not accessible during the non-destructive assessment. This is called a destructive assessment.
The project developer must provide a copy of the destructive asbestos assessment to the service provider for all works.